
Bonus Episode 06 – Community Internship Programs as Open-Walled Learning Interview with Jenny Finn, Springhouse Community School

In this Bonus Episode, we are speaking with Jenny Finn, Head of School, and Co-Founder for Springhouse Community School about place-based education, open-walled learning, and an internship program at Springhouse Community School. Here is what we discussed:

  1. Let’s start the conversation with a personal story about how you got connected to place-based and open-walled education.
  2. Tell us a little about Springhouse so our listeners learn more about your learning environment.
  3. As the Springhouse model evolved, how and why did you determine the need for a community internship program.
  4. What do you and your learners view as the value of the internship program for your school community and beyond?
  5. Sometimes we hear it is difficult to place learners with internship experiences. How do you support a learner who comes to you with an interest but you aren’t sure there is someone in your community who could provide an experience based on that interest?
  6. Before we invite you to share what is next for you, let’s hear your ideas about our lightning response questions:
    1. Who is one expert our listener’s should connect with to learn more about these internships, place-based and open-walled education?
    2. If you were recommending one book to our listeners, what would it be?
    3. What online site/resource/person do you learn from regularly?
  7. What’s next for you, Jenny? What are you working on that you’d like to share?


As a result of our conversation, here is what we are thinking about:

  • What might be the value of internship learning in your environment?