
Episode 057: Sweetland School Interview with Lindsay Pinchbeck and learners

In this episode, wee are learning with Lindsay Pinchbeck, Director of Sweet Tree Arts and Founder of Sweetland School in Hope, ME, and learners. 

Sweetland School is an Arts Integrated, Project Based elementary school. Lindsay has been teaching in the arts and alternative education settings for the past 20 years. Cooper McBride is 13 years old and a 7th grade student at Sweetland.  He is very passionate about art, dance, and acting. Izzi Stubbs is a 7th grade student at Sweetland  School. She is a passionate learner with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She loves art, theater and music. Mr. Bear has a bachelor’s degree in speed talking from Bearkly University. He now offers emotional support for teachers and students at Sweetland School (he wishes he was on payroll.) and has also been the daily host of The Bear Show for a year and counting.

Here is a question we are pondering:

  • How might the arts support the development of your learner-centered model?
